How do I go about getting my flowers preserved?

It's super simple! Just order the design/shape you’d like, send me your flowers (full instructions are sent within your order confirmation email) and Bespoke Botanical will do the rest!

Do I need to order in advance?

Advance booking is strongly advised, as I can get booked up but please do get in touch and I will accommodate your request if possible.

How long after the event can you work with my flowers?

Within a week is best, I suggest that flowers are received at the Bespoke Botanical studio within 3-5 days of your special occasion. The fresher the flowers are the better the results.

Are there any flowers that can't be preserved?

Different flowers react differently to both the drying process and the resin application. Most flowers work well.

Troublesome flowers are:

  • Exotic tropical/unusual flowers that are dense

  • Orchids

  • Lilies

  • Succulents

Lilies and orchids can be dried but they often change colour and sometimes react with the resin.

Will my flowers change during the preservation process?

Our advanced techniques will ensure each flower is preserved as closely as they were on your special occasion however as 100% of the moisture will be removed from the botanical the structure and colour may alter- this is out of our control.

How do I book?

Your able to book direct via the website- by selecting your design and completing the booking form, or please drop me an email and I can reserve your space in the diary

Can I add personal items to my order?

Most plastic or wooden items display well and cast in resin and photos and paper intuitions look beautiful as a centrepiece within pressed flower frames. Please send me a message and I can confirm if you personal items can be included.

How long does the process take and when will i receive the final piece?

We say to expect at-least a 10 week turn around- however all orders are different. Flowers can take 4 plus weeks to dry, the resin is applied in numerous layers and the curing process can be very time consuming.

Do I get any input on flower layout?

Once your flowers are fully dried I will send you one suggested layout. I will use the best of your blooms and my own artist license to design a layout that best displays your blooms. Once you have suggested any design tweaks I will start the casting process. Once your flowers have been dried I have a limited time to start casting before your dried flowers take on any moisture so a quick response is required. If you have a specific design requests I ask that you send any pictures to me via email when I receive your flowers. Please not this service is only available with block items and not smaller items.

Does my heirloom need any special care?

It important to keep your heirloom away from direct sunlight as this can cause the resin to yellow and the flowers to bleach.

Please do reach out if you have any additional questions that haven’t been covered in the section!

I look forward to hearing from you.